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Using Podman and systemd to manage container lifecycle

By Ed Haynes GitHub

My background is in industrial automation, and in most cases, the edge devices in the factory are too underpowered to run Kubernetes as a method to manage the lifecycle of containers. The workloads have a very long lifecycle, and generally are "tied" to the edge device. There is a lot of value in containerizing applications on these edge devices, however, as it decouples the application dependencies from the OS and provides a level of isolation between applications. This demo will show how using Podman in conjunction with systemd provides an elegant solution for this sort of use case. In addition, this will be done as a "rootless" user - a key benefit of Podman that helps keep the device secure.

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Container image short names in Podman

By Tom Sweeney GitHub

Do you like you container names to be short, sweet and yet secure? Valentin Rothberg shows you how in a recent blog post on the Red Hat Enable Sysadmin site, Container image short names in Podman. This functionality is now available in the upstream version of Podman and is targeted for Podman v3.0.

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The history of an API: GitLab Runner and Podman

By Tom Sweeney GitHub

In a recent blog post on the Red Hat Enable Sysadmin site, The history of an API: GitLab Runner and Podman, Pablo Greco from the CentOS QA team in Buenos Aires, Argentia documented his journey through a Podman and GitLab Runner integration. When Podman v2.2 arrives, GitLab Runner will be able to run with Podman right out of the box. Give the article a read to see how he got there.

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In a recent blog post on the Red Hat Enable Sysadmin site, The history of an API: GitLab Runner and Podman, Pablo Greco from the CentOS QA team in Buenos Aires, Argentia documented his journey through a Podman and GitLab Runner integration. When Podman v2.2 arrives, GitLab Runner will be able to run with Podman right out of the box. Give the article a read to see how he got there.

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Exploring Podman RESTful API using Python and Bash

By Jhon Honce GitHub

In a recent blog post on the Red Hat Enable Sysadmin site, Exploring Podman RESTful API using Python and Bash, Jhon Honce nicely demonstrates the new Podman REST API using code examples in Python and shell commands. Additional notes are included in the code comments. The provided code was written to be clear vs. production quality.

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In a recent blog post on the Red Hat Enable Sysadmin site, Exploring Podman RESTful API using Python and Bash, Jhon Honce nicely demonstrates the new Podman REST API using code examples in Python and shell commands. Additional notes are included in the code comments. The provided code was written to be clear vs. production quality.