
181 篇博文 含有标签「podman」


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对该网站的多次更新已经计划了相当长一段时间,并且工作一直在进行中。 正在发生的第一个重大变化是我们的博客文章。 我们已为我们的帖子创建了一个基于 WordPress 的新网站:blog.podman.io。 新网站具有全新的外观和感觉,并展示了我们希望整个网站最终发展的方向。 如果您尝试过 Podman Desktop,您可能会注意到这些相似之处。

我们正在考虑将博客文章从该网站移至新网站。 至少目前,今天(2022 年 12 月 7 日)之前创建的博客文章现在可以在左侧菜单的“存档博客”链接下找到。 同一菜单中的“博客”链接将带您进入新站点。

我们希望您喜欢这个新的博客网站,并希望听到您的想法。 与此网站一样,来自社区的博客文章将始终被感激地接受!

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Netavark and Aardvark-dns v1.3.0 release

We have cut new releases of the network stack components for netavark and aardvark-dns. Both netavark and aardvark-dns versions 1.3.0 were released. As the process works, the upstream releases will slowly work their way into Linux distributions.

A basic summary of changes for both are as follows:

v1.3.0 Netavark

  • Housekeeping and code cleanup
  • macvlan: remove tmp interface when name already used in netns
  • Add support for route metrics
  • netlink: return better error if ipv6 is disabled
  • macvlan: fix name collision on hostns
  • Ignore dns-enabled for macvlan (BZ2137320)
  • better errors on teardown
  • allow customer dns servers for containers
  • do not set route for internal-only networks
  • do not use ipv6 autoconf

v1.3.0 Aardvark-dns

  • allow one or more dns servers in the aardvark config

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Podman Windows Installer

By Tom Sweeney GitHub

If you are looking into running Podman on Windows, Tom Sweeney's latest blog post on EnableSysadmin shows you how easy it is now. The Run Podman on Windows: How-to instructions runs you through the four steps that take five minutes to complete. After that is done, you can then run Podman from your favorite Windows terminal without first having to get into a Virtual Machine. As a bonus, there's a link to a walk through video tutorial included in the post.

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Podman, Buildah and Skopeo on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Beta is available for testing as of March 31st. This is the first LTS release with Podman, Buildah and Skopeo in the default repos, thanks to the amazing work of Reinhard Tartler and team.

The package versions available currently are: Podman 3.4, Buildah 1.23 and Skopeo 1.4.

There won't be any further updates to the Kubic repos as far as Podman, Buildah and Skopeo are concerned, so users are recommended to use the default repos on 22.04 LTS.

If you're currently using packages from the Kubic repos, it’s highly recommended to uninstall the Kubic packages prior to upgrading to 22.04 LTS.

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Netavark and Aardvark-dns v1.0.2 release

The Podman development team has released new versions of both Netavark and Aardvark-dns. The releases mostly consist of updated dependency libraries and bugfixes. Additionally, netavark is now capable of having a statically addressed macvlan without a gateway address. New packages for Fedora 36 and the Podman4 COPR are being built and should be available shortly.