
181 篇博文 含有标签「podman」


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Do you want to know more about Rootless containers, process separation, and OpenSCAP? If you're like many, a video is a better learning device than a blog post. Well you're in luck, Brian Smith just landed a blog post on the Red Hat Enable Sysadmin site Container video series: Rootless containers, process separation, and OpenSCAP with a number of blog posts on the subject, many featuring Podman.

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Container video series: Rootless containers, process separation, and OpenSCAP

By Tom Sweeney GitHub

Do you want to know more about Rootless containers, process separation, and OpenSCAP? If you're like many, a video is a better learning device than a blog post. Well you're in luck, Brian Smith just landed a blog post on the Red Hat Enable Sysadmin site Container video series: Rootless containers, process separation, and OpenSCAP with a number of blog posts on the subject, many featuring Podman.

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Podman Troubleshooting Guide

By Tom Sweeney GitHub

As a kid, I was fascinated by space flight. If I couldn't be a fireman like my father, I wanted to be an astronaut. Of course I had to have a Major Matt Mason figure so I could fly him around the house and then land him softly in a jury-rigged parachute in my wading pool. Then of course the whole Apollo 13 drama had me riveted, and when the movie came out years later, I fell in love with this line in the movie, "Let's work the problem people. Let's not make things worse by guessing." by Ed Harris who played Gene Kranz the "vested" flight director.

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In the release of Podman 2.0, we removed the experimental tag from its recently introduced RESTful service. While it might be interesting to interact with a RESTful server using curl, using a set of Go based bindings is probably a more direct route to a production ready application. More details from Lokesh Mandvekar and Parker Van Roy in this post.

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Podman Go bindings

By Lokesh Mandvekar GitHub and Parker VanRoy


In the release of Podman 2.0, we removed the experimental tag from its recently introduced RESTful service. While it might be interesting to interact with a RESTFul server using curl, using a set of Go based bindings is probably a more direct route to a production ready application. Let’s take a look at how easily that can be accomplished.