
16 篇博文 含有标签「docker compose」


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From Docker Compose to Kubernetes with Podman

By Brent Baude GitHub

If you want to know how to use Podman v3.0 to convert Docker Compose YAML to a format that Podman recognizes, Brent Baude explains the "how to" in a recent blog post on the Red Hat Enable Sysadmin site, From Docker Compose to Kubernetes with Podman. This functionality is now available in the upstream version of Podman if you want to take a sneak peak.

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If you want to know how to use Podman v3.0 to convert Docker Compose YAML to a format that Podman recognizes, Brent Baude explains the "how to" in a recent blog post on the Red Hat Enable Sysadmin site, From Docker Compose to Kubernetes with Podman. This functionality is now available in the upstream version of Podman if you want to take a sneak peak.

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Podman: Managing pods and containers in a local container runtime

By Brent Baude GitHub

Podman has the ability to handle pod deployment which is a differentiator from other container runtimes. Brent Baude explains the how to in a recent blog post on the Red Hat Enable Sysadmin site, Podman: Managing pods and containers in a local container runtime. This functionality is now available in the upstream version of Podman if you want to take a sneak peak.

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Podman has the ability to handle pod deployment which is a differentiator from other container runtimes. Brent Baude explains the how to in a recent blog post on the Red Hat Enable Sysadmin site, Podman: Managing pods and containers in a local container runtime. This functionality is now available in the upstream version of Podman if you want to take a sneak peak.

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One of the questions that the Podman development team has been hearing a lot over the past year or so is "Does Podman support Docker Compose? Up until recently, the answer was "not yet". With the soon to be released Podman v3.0, that answer changes to "NOW!" Brent Baude explains the how to in a recent blog post on the Red Hat Enable Sysadmin site, Using Podman and Docker Compose. This functionality is now available in the upstream version of Podman if you want to take a real sneak peak.

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Using Podman and Docker Compose

By Brent Baude GitHub

One of the questions that the Podman development team has been hearing a lot over the past year or so is "Does Podman support Docker Compose? Up until recently, the answer was "not yet". With the soon to be released Podman v3.0, that answer changes to "NOW!" Brent Baude explains the how to in a recent blog post on the Red Hat Enable Sysadmin site, Using Podman and Docker Compose. This functionality is now available in the upstream version of Podman if you want to take a real sneak peak.

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Announcing Podman v2

By Brent Baude GitHub

If you have been following the upstream development of Podman, you have undoubtedly seen us refer to “2.0” or “Podman 2”. Today, we have made the first release of Podman 2 upstream. The release notes highlight many of the newest features but we wanted to call out some specific things in this blog and expand on them.

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The local Podman v2 client is complete. It is passing all of its rootful and rootless system and integration tests.

The CI/CID tests have been re-enabled upstream and are run with each pull request submission. We are now hard at work finishing up some of the core podman-remote functions. Once those functions are complete, we can then begin to run our podman-remote system and integration tests to catch any regressions.

More details in the announcement post.

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Update on Podman v2

By Brent Baude GitHub

A few weeks ago, we made an announcement about the development of Podman V2. In the announcement, we mentioned that the state of upstream code would be jumbled for a while and that we would be temporarily disabling many of our CI/CD tests. The upstream development team has been hard at work, and we are starting to see that work pay off.

Today, we are very excited to announce:

The local Podman v2 client is complete. It is passing all of its rootful and rootless system and integration tests.

The CI/CID tests have been re-enabled upstream and are run with each pull request submission. We are now hard at work finishing up some of the core podman-remote functions. Once those functions are complete, we can then begin to run our podman-remote system and integration tests to catch any regressions.

We have re-enabled the autobuilds for Podman v2 in Fedora rawhide. As mentioned earlier, the Podman remote client is not complete, so that binary is temporarily being removed from the RPM. It will be re-added when the remote client is complete. As a corollary, the Windows and OS/X clients are also not being compiled or tested. This will occur once the remote client for Linux is complete.

We encourage you to pull the latest upstream Podman code and exercise it with your use cases to help us protect against regressions from Podman v1. We hope to make a full Podman v2.0 release in several weeks, once we are confident it is stable. We look forward to hearing what you think, and please do not hesitate to raise issues and comments on this in our GitHub repository, our Freenode IRC channel #podman, or to the Podman mailing list.

We’re very excited to bring Podman v2.0 to you as it offers a lot more flexibility through it’s new REST API interface and adds several enhancements to the existing commands. If your project builds on top of Podman, we would especially love to have you test this new version out so we can ensure complete compatibility with Podman v1.0 and address any issues found ASAP.

Note: This announcement was first released to the Podman mailing list. If you are not yet a member of that community, please join us by sending an email to podman-join@lists.podman.io with the word “subscribe” as the title.